Hi! I don’t really know what I am supposed to do on this page. I’m really not an interesting person but was told I needed to let all of you know who I am and what I’m about. So here goes nothing…..

My name is Megan. I’m from upstate South Carolina. I’m obsessed with my husband, Ryan (he’s originally from Florida and we met the very first night he moved here. We have been inseparable ever since). We have 3 kids we try to tolerate (ONLY. KIDDING. We would totally take a bullet for them).

I like boys names for girls and girls names for boys. So when it looks like we have one girl and two boys, we actually have the opposite. Two girls and one boy. Rylan is 18, she’s in college. Brayden is 14 and in her I think I know better than everyone else age aka asshole (if you know, you know). Kelly is 8 and he has the biggest sweetest heart of anyone I know. I. LOVE. THEM. SO. MUCH. Being a mom is just amazeballs.

I am in my 40’s. I absolutely love to cuss (yes I’m that mom that cusses in front of their children, judge all you want I.D.G.A.F). Unless I have a parent/teacher meeting. Then I’m on my best behavior because who wants the teacher to think they are a bad mom, amiright! To go along with my potty mouth is my dirty little mind, I’m kinda like a girl version of Michael Scott (“that’s what she said”), I can honestly turn anything into filth (hints the shirt designs I come up with). Mrs. Richau, if you ever read this, I am so sorry you had to find out who the real me is. I swear I’m still just as sweet as the first day you met me. (she’s my deaf/hard of hearing son’s sweet sweet teacher).

I have also been told I don’t know how to take anything seriously. Which is not 100% true. I just don’t want to grow up, serious shit makes me uncomfortable so I turn it into joke to take the edge off, and I often think adulting is fucking bullshit. I tend to say it like it is more times then I should and typically have no fucks to give. So if you really don’t really want to know the truth, then don’t ask, okie dokie!

OH – I love tattoos. I’m also a huge optimist. I 100% believe in Karma, fate, and all that it happens for a reason crap. And I may be a little bit of an introvert (most of the time).

If you decide to hang around for a bit you will receive all my favorite recipes I cook on the regular for my little family of 5. You will be able to scope out all my, mostly sarcastic but sometimes cute, t-shirt and hoodie collection (shirt ideas are always welcome from everyone). I will, on occasion, throw something I learned that I feel everyone must know. Along with very now and then sharing a cleaning hack. I’m not OCD or anything (far from it when it comes to cleaning actually haha) but I do appreciate some chemical free cleaning that actually does work.

I may even share a personal life lesson or two that really hits hard. Cause let’s be honest, life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. Shit happens and you are not alone my friend. My life is just as chaotic as the next. FYI, If you happen to need someone to talk it out with, I’m just an email away; afmmegan@artsiefartsiemom.com but don’t expect me to coddle you. I tend to be awkward when it comes to emotional shit but I am a REALLY good listener. And your secrets are safe with me.

That’s it. That’s me in a nut shell and what I will bring to the table.

Let’s Be Friends!