I don’t know a mom out there who doesn’t get excited about great Amazon finds! I know I do. Especially when you see it’s discounted AND comes with one of those coupon check boxes! This post is all about the best Amazon finds that every mom needs in their life! Because it just makes sense.

I love me some Amazon and I also love the good finds that make my life a lot easier as a mom.
The list I am going to share with you today are not necessarily items that you HAVE TO HAVE. But these finds definitely make MY life easier along with making some things just a little more convenient. As moms, we are looking for any way possible to make life easier. Amiright?!
So whip out a pen and paper (I’m old school) or get your finger primed to get your Amazon click on because these are items you are going to want in your life as well. On a side note, they are in no particular order. I love them all except for number one. It’s my most coveted, must have out of all of them no matter what. I live a life of mom chaos and number one is “my precious” (in my best Smeagol voice from Lord Of The Rings).
Best Amazon Finds
1. Magnetic Fridge Calendar
I know electronics are the way (eye roll). But for the life of me I just can’t seem to get them to cooperate. So fridge calendar it is. I have three kids and we have A LOT of shit going on. Writing all the things down is very reliable. I am old school and can not live without my fridge calendar. Seriously, it’s amazing. You are constantly walking by the fridge or getting something out of the fridge. Especially first thing in the morning. Therefore, you will always take a look at the calendar and see what you have planned for that day or what is coming up. No need to wait for the alarm to sound off on your phone.
2. Wireless Doorbell
If you have kids then you need these wireless doorbells. You stick them in their rooms to alert them to hurry up and get their ass to the kitchen. I know some parents are like, “that is so lazy” (and I am rolling my eyes at you right now also). It’s not lazy, it’s called being smart. I don’t want to go upstairs to get them and I certainly don’t want to yell for them. Yes, I have older kids so I could text them. But sometimes they take a nap or they are just paying me attention. So I end up calling their phone anyways or even yelling up the stairs. With the wireless doorbell I can annoy the shit out of them until they come find me. (I have a snarky grin right now). It’s glorious.
3. Bottle or Glass Rinser Attachment For Sink
I don’t know about your kids but mine are gross. This isn’t a must have but let me tell you it beats scrubbing the shit out of those stainless steel bottles the kids leave in their room or bookbag. And don’t get me started on all the cups with left over solidified milk in them (I just gagged a little). I’m sure some of you are saying to do better with your kids and make them be more responsible, blah blah blah. My response to that is, do you even have normal kids? I mean they have a lot going on too. Sometimes shit just gets set aside and forgotten. Plus this thing is kind of satisfying to use, not even going to lie!
4. Smart Plugs
One of the main reasons I love these little smart plug thingys is we have so many damn remotes! One for the tv, one for the firestick, one for the surround sound, and one for the effing ceiling fan. All of those are just in one room too. And of course no one knows how to place said remotes where they belong so the next person can find it to use (eye roll). But since discovering these little guys I have been a little less stressed haha. With just my cell phone I can control all of those things including my floor lamp, to which I am too lazy to get up and turn on. Plus it’s nice to just, BAM, hit that off button on my phone when it’s time to do homework. No more struggling to get them to turn off the TV. (evil mom laugh)
5. Three Station Charging Dock
I got this just for myself, because why not. My little asshole kids keep taking my charging cords and not returning them. So I came across this item and said YAS! I have it by my bed, it angles my phone so I can just so a little tap-tap for a clock and not have to struggle lifting it to see the time. The kids also find it to be “too bulky” so they leave it alone. MOM WIN! Plus it’s pink and who doesn’t love pink. Don’t worry it comes in the generic boring colors as well.
6. Magnetic Vent Covers
I have an 8 year old boy who is obsessed with Legos. His room looks like the Lego store blew up in there. I was so tired of him coming to me asking me to open the vents and fish out the tiny little pieces he just had to have even though there were a million others just like it in another bin. Sticking your hand in a dark vent is scary. You never know what else could be down there. But these vent covers have saved me from a vent monster grabbing me and pulling me in, HA!
7. Silk Pillowcase
I am obsessed with my silk pillowcase. It is cool. I don’t sweat or have to flip my pillow a hundred times in the night. It is great for my 40+ year old ass when it comes to wrinkles. My hair, which is longer than it should be for my age, doesn’t get as tangled anymore OR as greasy. I can totally go even longer without washing my hair. My older kids love them as well. They say these pillowcases have really helped as far as not getting as many zits. These things are just great. Everyone needs them in their life. Just sayin.
8. Toilet Paper Holder With Shelf and Storage
Again something that is not necessary but I LOVE! I went with the large 8″ one. I usually keep tampons hidden away in there but then I also like to cram the wet wipes in there as well when guest come over. Gotta make the bathroom look nice and not have your shit strewn about like you know most people do anyways (guilty). The hubs loves that he can set his phone on it so he can watch videos hands free, booyah! My son says it’s a great place to set his action figures on when taking a pee. I also discovered it’s a great hiding place for said little action figures (sigh, #boymom).
9. Kids Artwork Picture Frames
I’m sure you have seen these all over the internet. These cute picture frames that open up to display your kids artwork. I jumped on that band wagon as well. I used to just tape all the brought home artwork all over my one kitchen walls. But then these were created. I totally upgraded and became fancy. No regrets and it makes my kitchen wall look so much cleaner.
10. LED Motion Sensor Lights
Like I mentioned earlier, I have an 8 year old. This 8 year old for some reason is afraid of the dark (like, terrified). I guess I can’t blame him, I myself don’t care for the dark either. But he is the worst. He will flip on every single effing light in the house as he makes his way from one room to the next. Trying to get him to go up the stairs by himself is an event in itself. I purchased these just for the stairs and that reason. I have one attached to the side of the wall every 3 or 4 steps. They are motion sensor, therefore, will flip on and off without anyone having to lift a finger or yell at someone else to turn off lights. Another great thing (for me anyways) is if one is out he will immediately bring it to me to recharge (score!).
11. Laundry Turtle
This thing is so extra but I absolutely love it. You lay it on top of your clothes in the dryer, do a little flip/turn of the inside, and done – laundry in a hamper with handles you can carry to your designated folding area. No more dropping shit all over the floor when pulling it out. I no longer have to crawl half way in the dryer to get those last few socks. When it comes to folding clothes I prefer to do so on the big kitchen table. So this laundry turtle just makes things easier for me.
I hope you found some of these items to be as useful for you as they are for me and my family.
Once you are finished checking out at Amazon come back here to check out some of my favorite go to recipes my family (picky eaters included) love to eat. Shopping can really make you hungry, don’t you agree?