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Have you ever heard of Norwex? They are the answer to all your chemical free cleaning needs, getting time back, and making cleaning easier. Sounds scripted right? It may sound cheesey but I assure you it’s all true.

I’m just going to be honest with you; I didn’t know who or what they were or what they did a year or so ago. In fact, I had one of my BFF’s reach out to me on several occasions inviting me to her online parties.

I believe my comment to her was: “I love you but no thanks. I don’t want to have anything to do with your Norwex shenanigans so don’t ask me again.” And that was that.

Whelp, needless to say later on she invited me AGAIN but this time to an in home party (which I’m a sucker for). So because I love her so much I decided to go to help fill the room and only expecting to buy the absolute bare minimum.

Obviously that did NOT happen! And now look at me! Totally obsessed and sharing my love for this company and their products with all you lovely people!

What is this Norwex?

They carry cleaning and personal care products. Both of which are absolutely fabulous (in my opinion and from personal experiences). The company was founded in 1994 in Norway (hints the name Nor-Wex). And everything about them is completely chemical free. On a serious note No. Chemicals. AND THIS SHIT ACTUALLY WORKS!

Word on the street is, back in the 90’s when Norwex first came out there was this huge superbug outbreak in Norway. I can’t get into specifics nor can I say these are the facts due to FDA and whatnot. But, in a nut shell there was this superbug going around killing people. They tried all those harsh chemicals to get rid of it and nothing seemed to work.

However, they eventually discovered that microfiber helped stop the spread of this superbug more than anything else. I also heard from a very good source that Norwex happened to sell their products to the hospitals at that time as well. Whatcha think about THAT? Here is a link to an article about the role microfiber plays in infection prevention written in 2008 on the Infection Control Today website: Understanding Microfiber. It’s pretty interesting.

Moving on; did you know there are three types of cleaning?

Thermal cleaning, chemical cleaning and mechanical cleaning. And of course Norwex has taken the mechanical cleaning to a whole new level with all their microfiber awesomeness. Did I mention everything is 100% chemical free (just making sure you are paying attention).

Want to hear something crazy (of course you do, cause who doesn’t) THEY ONLY USE WATER TO CLEAN! I. KNOW. RIGHT. WTF!

They have created these fantastic products that not only help save the earth but also your wallet. Let me explain the saving you money part. I’m sure you will look at some of the prices and are like, um no that’s a hard pass.

But think about it, you constantly have to stock up on chemical cleaners (or not if you don’t clean on the regular). With something like the Norwex envirocloth (your all purpose go to cloth) they have a 2 year warranty. That’s 2 years of not having to stock up on any cleaning products. ONE CLOTH that basically does it all.

Just over the past 28 years, millions of people have totally made the ditch and switch from yucky chemicals to just a microfiber cloth and water. It saves money, saves time and reduces harmful chemicals in the home.

Let me explain mechanical cleaning to help you understand why you need to jump on the Norwex train?

The best way to describe mechanical cleaning in laymen terms is to imagine you are weeding a garden. Now I don’t know about you but I despise the hell out of weeding. I will let that shit grow all over the place and wait for it to either die or my husband to deal with it.

When he goes at it he will spray them with those harsh chemicals. After they are sprayed some will die and some will still continue to thrive (the bastards). Therefore you have to go back and spray them all over again (insert eye roll).

Once they finally do all die you then have all these ugly shriveled up crunchy dead weeds all over the place. And you still have to go back to pick them up. Who the hell has time for all of that extra bullshit? Um, not I said the fly and not my husband either.

Ergo mechanical cleaning… it’s basically a one and done. You would go to each individual weed and pull it up by its root and throw it away. Norwex does just that; you go over a surface and you don’t have to go back over it again. If you read the back of some of the labels on those cleaning wipes you grab at the store, you have to wipe, wait for it to dry, then wipe again for it to be effective. Who wants to do that?

See, Norwex equals easy peasy lemon squeezy!!

A Little Microfiber 101

In order to be considered microfiber it has to be 1/6th the size of a human hair. Basically you would take one strand of your hair and cut it into six different sizes length wise to make it considered microfiber. Norwex actually uses 1/200th the size of a human hair (just wait the WTF’s gets even better).

If you were to unravel the their Envirocloth it would start at Canada and reach all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. That’s over 2000 miles of microfiber!! (I told you it would get better, is your mind totally blown away yet?). With all that being said it is going to be super dense and ridiculously absorbent.

I have created a list of their top 10 best seller to help point you in the direction of where you could start making the ditch and switch.

I’m just going to throw a little bit of info at you. Later on I will link each one to their own page so you can read about all the ways I use each product along with my brutally honest opinion about each and every one as well.

Starting out at number 10:

10. Body and Face Pack

This guy right here will replace those dingy wash cloths. Using ONLY water, NO soap. And if you use no soap then that also eliminates soap scum! I know, I know that is so hard to believe and maybe even a little too good to be true. But I promise they get the job done, they’re gentle on the skin yet tough on bacteria and dirt. Your face will feel amazeballs after using one of these babies.

9. Bathroom Cleaner

This is your all in one bathroom cleaner. Clean the toilets, sinks, faucets, tubs, and showers. You can use it straight from the bottle or dilute it and make it into a spray (1 part cleaner to 7 parts water). It is highly concentrated, phosphate-free, and uses biodegradable ingredients. Aside from all that, it’s just awesome. Simple as that.

8. Descaler

Ya know when your shower door has that nice film of nastiness covering it? AKA our good ol’ friend soap scum (I mentioned him earlier)? Descaler is the shit you want. It provides heavy duty cleaning, removes calcium, lime and rust stains as well as that bitch called soap scum! I like to pair it with the SpiriSponge because I have textured tile and the sponge really gets in there.

7. Cleaning Paste

Microfiber plus water equals awesomeness. When you need a little more ump you call upon this guy. It works to tackle tough grime, rust stains, scuff marks, permanent marker, makes your jewelry sparkle and so many more surfaces. Just an FYI when you first open it, it is supposed to be like a hard chalk and not powdery. Fun fact: they tested and you can get 3,838 wipes from just one thing of cleaning paste.

6. Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls

I. LOVE. THEM. What dryer balls do is help cut drying time, reduce static and wrinkles. These are made from 100% New Zealand wool making it a healthier alternative to dryer sheets, which by the way can contain up to 25 harmful chemicals, Ew! If you are one of those people that has to have a scent on your clothes then invest in essential oils Add a couple drops to each dryer ball and there ya go, you got your scent back. I suggest Young Living, the amount of different essential oils they have is just WOW. However, Norwex has Orange Sandalwood but that’s it.

5. Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent

Plant and mineral based to provide a safer clean for your family and the environment. I love this so much just for the simple fact that my kids have sensitive skin and break out with certain detergents. So using the UPP detergent stomps that issue out. This powder is also highly concentrated, quick to dissolve, and safe for all fabrics. Another fun fact: you don’t have to use as much as the package says to get the job done. So where it says 100 washes, you can actually get around 200 plus out of it. Just depends on the size of the load.

4. Superior Mop Starter Kit

Rather than coat your floors with disgusting chemicals you need to chunk your traditional mop/bucket and replace it with this eco-friendly microfiber mop system that only uses water! I am telling you, you can tell the difference. I don’t like to walk around barefoot but I will after using the Norwex mop, it’s rather satisfying. Not only does it take less time to mop your floors, but they will dry faster as well.

3. Dusting Mit

You put it on like a glove (may I suggest having two, one for each hand), rub your hands together to create an electrostatic charge and then go around dusting with your hands making it so much easier and a little funner (yes, funner is a word, insert sticking out tongue). By creating that electrostatic charge the dusting mit will attract and hold the dust and any other dust related allergens like a magnet. Doing this will keep the dust from resettling somewhere else (aka making it “snow”).

2. Window Cloth

This guy is silky, works its magic on windows, mirrors and other shiny objects along with leaving behind a streak-free shine. My husband comments every time I clean our bathroom mirror. He just can’t get over how one cloth and just water can do that. This is the envirocloth’s BFF. You will want to pair these two together. For example: wet the envirocloth, wipe down your nasty toothpaste plastered mirrors, then go behind it with the dry window cloth and just see how fanfuckingtastic that mirror looks afterwards. You will not be disappointed.

and coming in at number one is (drum roll please)

1. Envirocloth

This is your all-purpose, go-to cloth for cleaning just about everything. Removes up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces with just water alone. By ditching all the store bought chemical induced bullshit and replacing them with this single cloth and water will eliminate close to 53 chemicals that may be in your home right now! If that’s not enough to convince you to ditch and switch I don’t know what is.

Let’s wrap it up.

I hope you enjoyed getting a peak at Norwex. I certainly enjoyed telling you a little bit about them and a few of their fabulous products (it’s just the tip of the iceberg).

I also look forward to telling you all the things about each and every one of their products. Along with converting you into becoming the Norwex snob that I am.

I highly recommend swapping out all of those shitty chemical cleaning supplies and replacing them with all things Norwex. Especially if you want to get rid of harmful toxins in your home, save some money over the long haul, and get some time back for yourself! Just click the word Norwex to follow the link to take the next steps towards chemical free cleaning today!