I have got the best floor cleaner safe for pets, also safe for you, safe for your children, safe for everyone actually!
When I tell you what it is you are going to think I am crazy. But here me out and don’t exit too quickly before giving me a chance to explain.
First off I absolutely HATE mopping.
I had rather do laundry, that’s right I said it laundry! I’m not sure what it is about mopping that makes me despise it so much. Maybe because it’s a two step process (sweep or vacuum first then mop after) and that doesn’t even include prepping the mop bucket. Also the fact I have to constantly walk back and forth to and from the bucket just to rewet my mop, to then ring it out, ugh (eye roll). It’s not for me.
Quick story time before we get to the diy.
A girlfriend of mine invited me to her Norwex party where I was introduced to the Norwex Mopping System. She said it’s a must, the bees knees, it’s less work, and your floors feel amazeballs walking across it barefoot afterwards (completely different then when you use nasty chemicals, kind of leaves a film on the floors, or it does mine). Plus there’s no bucket involved what so ever. She just kept going on and on about it.
I took one look at that mop and said meh, I’m unimpressed, it looks like a swiffer and I hate a swiffer.
Now, I’m woman enough to admit when I am wrong. (Sigh) I ended up eating every single one of those damn words. AND THEN, I hosted my own Norwex party a month later at my house just so I could get that damn swiffer looking mop for FREEEEEE. I will tell you about how I managed to snag it for free in a separate post. Right now we are talking about how to “DIY” floor cleaner safe for pets (wink).
When I used it for the very first time I was no longer unimpressed. It was more like WTF and where has this been all my life!? I not only didn’t have to fill up a bucket but I seriously felt like it took me less time to mop my kitchen. Probably because I wasn’t walking all over the place, dunking, then wringing out the mop. And it was ACTUALLY clean, it DID feel good to walk on it barefoot, and there were NO STREAKS what so ever.
I’m not gonna lie, I tend to miss my old bucket but not for reasons you think. The only thing about my old ways of mopping was it brought me joy stepping on that bucket peddle and watching my mop spin around and around and around super fast, HA. But that’s the ONLY reason.
Are you ever going to tell me about this floor cleaner or not?
It’s microfiber and water. That’s it! So technically it is a do it yourself and it is ridiculously safer for your pets. I know what you’re thinking; “using just water is no way cleaning and sanitizing anything.” But I assure you my friend what I use does both. It does such a great job at cleaning, you can literally eat off that floor afterwards and I will prove it! Just keep reading.
Tell me about this microfiber and water thing.
The Norwex mopping system comes with a telescopic handle, large base, a dry pad and a wet pad. The wet pad it comes with is great and perfectly safe for hardwood floors. I actually ended up getting the tile wet pad separately since it’s just a little courser (it has special nylon fibers woven in). I have several dogs so I felt it was necessary to get that little extra added ump.
The spray attachment is also separate. I didn’t get it right away. I didn’t think I would need it. And technically you don’t. I wet the pad and get about half the kitchen mopped before having to wet it again. After a couple times doing that I got a spray bottle and filled it with water to spray when I needed more water. I eventually caved and got myself the attachment and what do you know, it did in fact up my lazy mopping game just a notch. So you don’t have to have the spray attachment but I do recommend getting one.
Work smarter not harder people!

FIY, there are warranties on all their products. Which means they stand behind what they make and believe in them 100%.
OH – and once you are finished mopping you just toss those pads right in the washer and dryer to get it ready for next time. WHAT WHAT!
The mop also comes with a dusting pad which serves as your broom/vacuum. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t care for it nor do I use it. Don’t get me wrong, if I had a toddler crawling all over the place and no dogs at all I probably would use it. But I have to vacuum and mop just about every other day. So I’m not adding any extra anything if I don’t have to.
Here are my furbabies that cause my floors to get so dirty so quickly.
Harper is a 5 year old Labradoodle, Willow is a 3 year old Great Dane, Maizy is a 1.5 year old mix of all things Maizy, and Bentley is a 1.5 year old Husky Doodle. I love them.
Needless to say there is a ton of hair and drool and mud and nastiness that goes on my floors. So when I say this is the floor cleaner that is safe for your pets, I’m not exaggerating.

I thought I would be a little embarrassed to show you the before pictures of my kitchen floor. But I’m not. I really don’t care, it is what it is. I’m living that busy mom life that has me on occasion neglecting her floors, so sue me (don’t actually sue me). (We also have 3 kids who help dirty up the house)
Plus I really needed to show you just how awesome the Norwex Mop System really is. Also to demonstrate what a little microfiber and ONLY water can do.
Here is before I mopped:

Here is after I used JUST MICROFIBER AND WATER!!

Is that not freaking amazeballs people?! I didn’t even break a sweat. And I meant what I said when I told you that you could literally eat off of your floor afterwards.
Example A: Me eating chips and salsa off of my freshly mopped and sanitized floors. (ignore the grout, it’s for another post on another day.)

Example B: Just for you, I even licked my freshly mopped floors. That’s how much I believe in this product. FYI: I’m not grossed out, we were laughing our asses off during picture time.
If those pictures weren’t enough to make you a believer there’s no hope for you (just kidding).
But on a serious note you will not be disappointed if you ditch and switch.
Get rid of that old shitty mop and bucket and convert over to a newer, easier, environment friendly Norwex Mop System. Just click this link to ditch and switch, Yes Please I have to have that mop!
If you would like to get to know Norwex a little bit better click this link here: Chemical Free Cleaning With Norwex. If will fill you in on who they are and what they are all about. Enjoy!
Until next time!