Grease stains are a bitch! I don’t know about you but I tend to get grease stains on my clothes more often than I would like to admit. In this post I am going to show you how to get rid of those annoying grease stains. This method is so awesome it even gets the stains out AFTER they have been laundered.

When it comes to cooking with grease I feel like it seeks me out. There are so many clothes in my closet that have become lounge around clothes. JUST because they have huge grease stains all over the front of them.
Since discovering this really awesome method I no longer get upset when something gets splattered or dropped on my clothes. BECAUSE THIS METHOD WORKS EVERY TIME (or it does for me anyways)!!
So I have these one pair of light grey cotton leggings. They are my FAVORITE. So far this will be my THIRD time of getting grease stains out of them. This last time is from going to the movies and eating extremely buttered down popcorn.
Needless to say I am not the cleanest popcorn eater, but honestly who is! My excuse is, it’s dark in a movie theatre and you can’t necessarily see when you drop a piece or several in your lap. After sitting through a 3 hour movie (Avatar Way Of Water), the butter in the popcorn basically marinated my pants.
Come and join me as I get grease out of my favorite comfy pants for the third time. Oh – did I happen to mention I washed and dried them before attempting to get the butter out? Nothing like making it a little more challenging, HA!
Just a little FYI, I did NOT pre-soak or add anything prior to getting the stains out.
OMG – I almost forgot to tell you the best part! What I use is completely 100% chemical free. No toxins what so ever. If you are not already one with Norwex then you probably won’t have what you need just lying around. If that’s the case no worries. I added links to all the goodness.
How To Get Grease Stains Out Of Clothes
First you will need to gather a few items before you begin.
- Norwex Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent
- Norwex Laundry Stain Remover
- Norwex Utility Brush or an Old Toothbrush

Lay your garment out on a clean table or counter. I forgot to take a picture of my pants laid out on my dinning room table but I did manage to get a good before picture of them with all the butter stains.
Squirt Laundry Stain Remover on all of your grease spots. Make sure you add enough so it covers the whole greasy area.

Then sprinkle some Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent over the area you just soaked in stain remover. I then like to add just a wee bit more stain remover on top of the laundry detergent just to make sure I am able to create a good paste like texture.

With an old toothbrush, or the Norwex Utility Brush, scrub the stained area real good. You want to create a paste and make sure you are really getting the detergent and stain remover into the garment.

Now comes the hard part. Walk away! It needs to sit and do it’s thing. I usually go ahead and toss it in my washer (but don’t wash yet) just so when it’s time I can just turn it on. You can also leave it where it is or move it to a place it won’t be in the way. Just don’t forget about it. I typically like to let it sit over night. But it definitely needs to sit for a good couple of hours before you wash it.
Once time is up wash it like you normally would. The detergent I use to wash my clothes with is the same Norwex detergent I just used to help clean the grease stain.
You can even dry it if you want, I always do. It may or may not take the stain out all the way the first time. But no worries, If this happens then you just repeat the process.
As you can see in the picture below that it did in fact take the stains out in the crotch area the first go round but not the one highter up. So I will then repeat the process until that one stain is bye-bye.

Don’t get discouraged. I promise the stain will come out. I speak from experience. Unfortunately, I drop food in my lap ALL THE TIME. Therefore, I have started doing this process every time I do. And yes the stain comes out every single time. Just check out the before and after pictures for the proof. AMAZEBALLS, I know!!
Good Luck Friend!

If you are unfamiliar with Norwex and would like to learn more you can click here to get the 411: Chemical Free Cleaning With Norwex
Also, here is a pretty amazeballs way to mop your floors without using chemicals as well. The pictures toward the end alone are worth the read: Floor Cleaner So Safe You Can Eat Off The Floor