Broccoli Cheese Soup – Recipe

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Broccoli Cheese Soup is the perfect soup recipe to eat when it’s chilly outside. Not only does it taste amazeballs but it is simple to make as well. In this post, I am going to show you how to make broccoli cheese soup. Best broccoli cheese soup recipe! This Broccoli Cheese Soup recipe was given […]

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Vegetable Beef Soup

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Vegetable soup is a fall favorite of mine. Adding all the meat is the only way my husband will eat it. Saying he’s a carnivore is an understatement. “I have to have a meat with every meal or it isn’t a meal at all Megan” (I say in my best Ryan impression). I’m sure many […]

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Let’s talk about Karma. Not the Credit Karma Company you see advertised online. No, I’m talking about that nasty bitch most of us all know. The “what goes around, comes around” Karma. “You reap what you sow” Karma. You better make good decisions or Karma is going to bite you in the ass. If you […]

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Baked Ziti

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This Baked Ziti recipe is my second in line behind my Lasagna recipe. It’s just as delicious but a little easier to make and doesn’t take as much time to put together. Even my kids get excited about this recipe when I tell them this is what we are having for dinner. So it’s safe […]

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Floor Cleaner So Safe You Can Eat Off The Floor

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I have got the best floor cleaner safe for pets, also safe for you, safe for your children, safe for everyone actually! When I tell you what it is you are going to think I am crazy. But here me out and don’t exit too quickly before giving me a chance to explain. First off […]

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