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Broccoli Cheese Soup is the perfect soup recipe to eat when it’s chilly outside. Not only does it taste amazeballs but it is simple to make as well. In this post, I am going to show you how to make broccoli cheese soup.

simple broccoli cheese soup

Best broccoli cheese soup recipe!

This Broccoli Cheese Soup recipe was given to me by my Mother-In-Law years ago.

Actually, I asked her if I could have it because it was Ryan’s, my hubby, favorite soup.

Who doesn’t want to please their husband and make all his favorites?

Don’t worry, I asked her if it would be ok to share with all of you.

And now it is also our son’s Favorite. I swear that child would eat it every day for lunch if I would let him.

There was this one week that he did actually take it to school and ate it for lunch all five days.

On all of those soup-eating days, he would get off the bus, tell me about his day along with how he ate all of his soup, and it was the perfect temperature.

Off subject just a hair for a thermos warming hack

If you don’t already know I wanted to be sure you did.

What I tend to do to make sure my son’s soup is the “perfect temperature”?

I will use my Keurig, 12oz setting, to fill his thermos up with super hot water.

Once filled, I place the lid on top and let it sit while I warm up his soup in the microwave. I make sure it is steamy hot.

Afterwards, I dump the water out of the thermos along with drying it out the best I can without burning myself.

Then pour his soup in the container and send it on its way.

By the time he’s ready to eat lunch at school, it has already cooled down to the “perfect Kelly temperature” to eat and enjoy his broccoli cheese soup.

Okay, back to the reason you came here in the first place.The Mother-In-Laws Broccoli Cheese Soup recipe.

Which by the way is so simple and easy to make. It only requires 6 ingredients.

Ingredients For Broccoli Cheese Soup

ingredients to make broccoli cheese soup
  • 1-2 broccoli crowns (chopped)
  • 2 cans cream of potato soup
  • small onion (chopped) or minced onion
  • Milk
  • butter
  • shredded sharp cheddar cheese

First things first whip out that cutting board so you can start chopping up those broccoli crowns.

I always use 2 crowns. We like a lot of broccoli in our soup.

But if you don’t like your soup to be loaded down with all the veggie goodness then only use one. No judgment from me.

chop up your broccoli

Set your broccoli aside and start chopping up your onion.

lasagna soup with onions

Those of you who know me, know that I usually use minced onion in place of an actual chopped onion for just about everything.

That is ONLY because my children are ridiculous and will complain along with picking out every piece of onion they see (insert eye roll). In this case, it is no different, bring on the minced!

In a 6 quart pot on medium heat add 2 tbsp butter and your chopped onion. Heat until your onion is transparent.

Or if you are like me use 2 tbsp minced onion instead of a regular onion and heat until it becomes fragrant.

melt butter and cook with onion

Add 2 cans of potato soup.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re looking at this picture and saying gross. I did the same thing when I loaded the picture. But hang with me, it doesn’t look like that for long.

pour in 2 cans potato soup

Pour in 2 2/3 cups of milk or just refill the potato soup cans with milk. It’s basically the same amount and then I don’t dirty up my measuring cups.

Stir (I use my whisk for this part) until well combined.

mix in milk and stir until well combined

Then add all your broccoli bits and stir again until well combined.

Bring your soup to a boil. Then turn down the heat and let it simmer for 30 minutes uncovered.

After your timer goes off, turn off your heat and add 4 cups of shredded sharp cheddar cheese. The cheesier the better, trust me.

Stir until all your cheese has melted.

That’s it, friend! You’re done. Now spoon some out into a bowl and enjoy.

a bowl of broccoli cheese soup

We like to eat our soup with a grilled cheese sandwich.

My son, however, likes to use close to an entire sleeve of saltine crackers.

Whichever you choose you can’t go wrong. Even if you choose neither one and eat it just as it is that is okay too.

It’s so effing good!

Here are a few other winter soup recipes I insist you try.

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Soup
Cuisine American
Servings 8


  • large pot
  • Cutting Board


  • 1-2 broccoli crowns chopped
  • 2 10 oz cans condensed potato soup
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 2⅔ cups milk (or refill your soup cans with milk)
  • 4 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese


  • On a cutting board chop your onion and set aside.
  • Next, chop up broccoli crowns and set aside.
  • In a 6 qt pot on medium heat melt butter and sauté onion. Cook until onion is transparent
  • Add both cans of potato soup and milk. Whisk until well combined.
  • Then add your chopped broccoli. Stir until well combined.
  • Uncovered, on medium heat bring to a boil. Once boiling turn down the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Add your shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Mix together until the cheese has completely melted.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword broccoli cheese soup recipe, broccoli soup recipe, easy broccoli cheese soup recipe